I'm excited to take part in the Daily UI Challenge, where I’ll be exploring user interface design by tackling a new challenge each day. 
Below are the projects I’ve completed so far, showcasing my creativity, problem-solving, and design skills across various UI elements.
Day 001
The task for day one was to create a sign up page or a sign up.sign in screen for an app.
Day 002
The challenge for day 2 was to design a credit card checkout form or page. 
I decided to create screens for adding a new (in this case debit) card in dark mode.
Day 003
Challenge for day 3 was to create a landing page for a company.
I designed a landing page for a company offering immersive, online cooking classes.
Day 004
The challenge for day four was to create a calculation interface.
I decided to create an interface for a currency exchange mobile app.
Day 005
The challenge for day 5 was to create an app icon.
Day 006
Thechallenge for day 6 of the Daily UI Challenge was to create a user profile.
I created a user profile for a recipe-sharing platform. The use of simple recipe cards allows the user to pick a dish at a glance.
Day 007

The challenge for day 7 of the challenge was to create settings for a service.
I decided to create a dashboard-like settings screen (focusing on personal information settings) for a legal document management system web app called Enactery.
Day 008
The challenge for day 8 was to create a 404 page.
I decided to go with a dark moon theme on this one!

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